Make your family’s February meaningful with these family friendly Valentine’s Day activities that spread love and cheer!

Check out these family friendly Valentine’s Day activities that spread love, and don’t forget to grab the printable version at the bottom of the page!
Spreading love to others in your community
- Visit your local long term care home and spread love and cheer to the residents! If you’re allowed, bring cards and treats to hand out as well
- Show love to your environment by cleaning up garbage, building a critter habitat, or removing graffiti from items at a park
- Make care packages for the homeless and deliver them to people living on the streets- be sure to include a valentine!
- Make sugar cookies together and deliver them to your local front line workers
- Travel around your town and deliver valentines to store employees and shop keepers
Spreading love within your family
- Memorize 1 Corinthians chapter 13 together as a family and post it where everyone can see it as you go about your day
- All members of the family write a love letter to each other, on Valentine’s Day everybody exchange letters!
- Print out each family members photo on their own piece of paper and hang it up on the wall. All throughout the day (or week) spend time writing on eachothers pages, sharing special words of love, encouragement, and even silly memories you shared together
- Make each person in your family a small homemade gift and hand them out to each other on Valentine’s Day
- Assign a jar to each family member and keep it out where everyone can see it. All throughout the week leading up to Valentine’s Day have everyone write little notes on pieces of paper, fold them up and add them to each others jars. The goal is to fill all of the jars with words of love!
Spreading love with free decor
- Write loving quotes, pictures and Bible verses on the windows, mirrors, and other glass in your house with dry erase markers. And if you live in town, write some things backwards so that others can read it too!
- As a family, run around your house and collect everything that is red and pink, and put it on the centre of your kitchen table for a free fun looking table scape! Not only is it free decor, but so much fun collecting all of the items!
- Make valentines cards using as many nature items as you can. (birch bark makes the perfect paper!)
- Make heart shaped ice decorations to hang outside, all you need is a heart shaped cake mold and nature items! (and below freezing weather)
Get the download!
Download this list to have on hand whenever you need it.
If you would also like to download my list “Romantic Bible Verses To Read With Your Spouse” you can grab it below!
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Another popular post I have is: Date Night Ideas When You’re Off Grid With Kids
My hubby and I used to write letters to each other all the time. We need to start that tradition again!