My only perspective of dairy cow ownership is one that's off grid. It's simple and lovely, and I want to give insight to what it's like, how doable it really is, and our systems that we have in place.A little bit about our off grid homestead My …

The Self Sufficient Life You Desire
My only perspective of dairy cow ownership is one that's off grid. It's simple and lovely, and I want to give insight to what it's like, how doable it really is, and our systems that we have in place.A little bit about our off grid homestead My …
This easy crochet pattern will make the perfect winter themed gift, or can be done as fun project to use up your yarn! It's fast, simple, and only uses 1 skein of yarn for both ear warmers! It can also work as a great stash buster if you want to use …
Recipes ·
My favourite way to make mini pumpkin pie is in the form of mini pumpkin pie bites! They're easy to hold, so delicious, and very kid and toddler friendly! The best part is you get to skip the step of cutting up the pie AND you know exactly how much …
Although it's common to see google results saying ducks cannot consume milk, around here it is quite the contrary! Learn how to feed ducks raw milk safely in my article below...**** DISCLAIMER**** This is my experience on my homestead. I am not a …
I spent a lot of time figuring out ways to save space in our tiny house on wheels when I was designing it and building it, and I wanted to share them with you below! THE STORY BEHIND OUR TINY HOUSEWe built our tiny house on wheels in 2016 when tiny …
In our home, traditional eating is a staple because the foods are unbeatable in nutrient density. Food is so important, and over the years we've moved more and more into the world of traditional eating. It's been challenging to find a word or term …
Cleaning & Productivity, Income & Side Hustles ·
Hey guys! I've been wanting to publish my cleaning handbook ebook for so long and I kept putting it off. FINALLY I got it done, so here it is! Let me know what you think in the comment box below! Background behind the handbookI've been cleaning a …
I've finally done it. After months of trials and testing; I've created the best odor eliminator spray for your home! And I can't wait to share it with you...The best odor eliminator spray recipe If you'd like to jump right to the recipe at the …
Recipes ·
This is how I make yogurt here on our off grid homestead. But whether you're off grid or not, how to make homemade yogurt the off grid way is super simple and takes little effort! This post contains links to pages I am affiliated with. I earn a …
Recipes ·
In this post I'm going to walk you through the simple process on how to make homemade ghee. Don't worry, it's easy, delicious, and dairy-free!Don't want to read the whole post? Use the button below to jump to the recipe card! Homemade ghee is a …